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Spend 2 days learning how to operate in an elite team behind enemy lines practising the art of covert patrolling and observing and reporting on the enemy from a covert observation post hidden from view. Experience covert OP selection, construction and occupation, you will then withdraw and approach the enemy position and carry out a CTR (Close target Reconnaissance) as carried out in theatres such as Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. You will then formulate a plan on how to attack and destroy the enemy position and carry out the attack with live fire shooting.

Day 1 will be spent learning how to select, build, occupy and withdraw from a Covert Observation Post, learning to live and patrol in a four man reconnaissance team, showing the duties and skills necessary to remain hidden for long periods of time whilst observing an enemy.

Day 2 we will practice how to carry out a close target recce before splitting down into half, one half will be the enemy, the other half will split into teams and will do a coordinated CTR on the enemy position then plan and conduct an assault on that position. Once complete we will swap round and see if things are done differently.


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